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Letter: Forget rat trips – pick up rotting fruit

The Editor, Re. " Rat traps maiming neighbourhood raccoons, says Port Coquitlam woman " (, Aug. 23).
rotting fruit

The Editor,

Re. "Rat traps maiming neighbourhood raccoons, says Port Coquitlam woman" (, Aug. 23).

I recently came across a juvenile skunk on a property in the same neighbourhood as that referenced in the article that had three TomCat rat traps stuck on its body. Unfortunately, after delivering the injured skunk to Critter Care Wildlife Society, it was determined that its injuries were too great and it was euthanized.

I counted a total of 16 TomCat rat traps set all around the perimeter of one property. There were several fruit trees with ripe fruit on them and rotting fruit on the ground. If the homeowner were to pick the fruit as it ripens and remove fallen fruit daily, then small mammals wouldn’t be coming to their yard and they wouldn’t need the traps.

Christina Saremba, Port Coquitlam