The Editor,
Re. "Chevron $ up for the taking in Tri-Cities" (The Tri-City News, Nov. 21).
Congratulations to the Coquitlam Teachers' Association for coming out against Chevron's Fuel Your School program.
While the Surrey school board and School District 43 have taken money, Vancouver School Board has said "No." All schools and school boards should give the Chevron offer a thumbs down.
Replacing provincial funding with a few bucks from the under-taxed, record profits of a huge multi-national is no way to run out schools.
Our premier and provincial government may want to slough off their responsibilities to fund education by letting corporations throw a few bucks into the system now and then, but what the BC Liberals should be doing is taxing those same corporations at a fair rate, which would ensure full funding of education for generations to come.
Barrie Abbott, Port Coquitlam