The Editor,
Re. You Say (Opinion, The Tri-City News, Aug. 12).
Regarding the comment by Ray McCurrach, who thinks it is unusual for Doug Horne, a BC Liberal MLA, to run for a federal Conservative seat: It is not at all unusual since the BC Liberals are liberal in name only.
When Gordon Wilson was the head of the BC Liberals, they were liberal or a middle of left- and right-wing parties. But after Gordon Campbell hijacked the party, the BC Liberals swung about as far to the right as you can go.
So now, there is really no difference between a BC Liberal and a federal Conservative. Unfortunately, too many people are fooled by the label liberal when it comes to the BC Liberals. In a nutshell, BC Liberals are the same as federal Conservatives, so Doug Horne hasn’t changed his ideologies at all — he’s still a right winger.
So, Mr. McCurrach, it makes total sense that Doug Horne is running as a federal Conservative.
L. Mackintosh, Coquitlam