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Less choice means trips to U.S.

The Editor, Re: Face to Face: Is cross-border shopping un-Canadian or understandable? Sept. 27 edition. I faithfully go down once every month and shop. My main reason for shopping in Bellingham is that here you can not buy the things I shop for.

The Editor,

Re: Face to Face: Is cross-border shopping un-Canadian or understandable? Sept. 27 edition.

I faithfully go down once every month and shop. My main reason for shopping in Bellingham is that here you can not buy the things I shop for. I shop for interesting foods not found in Canada. Other than that, my shopping is done in my local community.

If Canada had more of a variety, then I would gladly shop here. For example, we were looking for a ceiling fan made by a big name company. Here we can buy only one kind of fan by this company and are unable to order the one we wanted. So, we had to order from the States. There is no variety in Canada. Every store sells the same thing.

You try and order here and are told it is something to do with laws in Canada. What a load of garbage. There are things I buy that are made in Canada but sold in the States and not here. Why?

For some things, if prices were more reasonable, then people would cross border shop less. Give us more variety and we will stay home more.

Bonita Bonderud,

Port Coquitlam