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Kind words & cash start ripple effect of kindness

The Editor, I felt bad holding up the bus as I took a long time to drop the correct change in for each child. My little charges, my son and I were heading to the water park at Blue Mountain Park.

The Editor,

I felt bad holding up the bus as I took a long time to drop the correct change in for each child. My little charges, my son and I were heading to the water park at Blue Mountain Park.

After we had travelled for a while, a lady sitting farther back in the crowded bus moved forward and asked me if all the children were mine and if they were always this well behaved. She handed me a folded piece of paper asked me not to open it until we reached the park and then she stepped off the bus.

Once the kids were happily splashing in the water, I unfolded it. This is what it said: "I think it's really nice that you are bringing the kids to the park on this hot day. Please allow me to pay for your bus fare." The note was wrapped around a bill.

Although we don't hear about it often, we live in a world of fabulous people.

I just wanted that kind soul to know that she sparked a conversation about random acts of kindness and paying it forward. This group of little kids will never forget what she did and they are planning their own anonymous good deeds.

My dear lady, you are the pebble and the ripple effect has begun. Thank you.

Sandy Teel, Coquitlam