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Homeless also deserve help

The Editor, I was extremely disappointed to find out that the Heat Shelter in Port Coquitlam will not be opened as planned this fall/winter due to a number of issues.

The Editor,

I was extremely disappointed to find out that the Heat Shelter in Port Coquitlam will not be opened as planned this fall/winter due to a number of issues.

It's hard to say exactly what or why this won't happen because blame seems to be spread around a few areas, the municipal governments, the church and the residents of Port Coquitlam. The latter reason is why I am so upset.

Apparently there were a number of people complaining that they didn't want the shelter in their neighbourhood because they were insisting there were problems with crime last year. The RCMP clearly stated this was not the case and yet these heartless people got their way.

I, for one, am ashamed that people could be so narrow minded. I'm also very upset these few people managed to sway city council. The homeless that use the shelter deserve a helping hand, just like anyone else in society. They are someone's brother, sister, mother, father or friend and for whatever reason have run into difficulty.

The shelter provides them with a safe, warm and dry place to sleep, a hot dinner, breakfast and a bagged lunch, which is all prepared and served by countless volunteers who donate the food and their time. Why do they do this? They want to help people who are struggling and they are trying to make a difference. They care.

In the past numerous people have received help while at the shelter through the Hope for Freedom Program, and have gone on to be proud, productive members of society. I think it's time that people stop being so selfish and show some compassion to those less fortunate. When you are in your nice cozy home on a cold rainy night or it's freezing and -10C, I want you to think about all of those people that you denied a hot meal, warm bed and a roof over their head to.

Donna Hansen, Port Coquitlam