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Feed the bugs to the bears

The Editor, Re. "PoCo pesticide ban a vote away" (The Tri-City News, May 27).

The Editor,

Re. "PoCo pesticide ban a vote away" (The Tri-City News, May 27).

There's some irony in that on one page of today's Tri-City News (page 4), you report that Port Coquitlam city council has banned residential pesticide use and on another page (page 40) there's a city of Coquitlam ad about how to manage giant killer hogweed plants.

Maybe we could cut them down and freeze them, as civic officials advise for table scraps.

I have chafer bugs, ants and wasps in my yard. With a small enough net, provided by the city, I might be able to catch them and freeze them as well.

If we freeze enough insects, we could take them up Burke Mountain and feed them to the bears.

Peter Manning, Port Coquitlam