Yes, it's 2015 and this better be the last time anyone worries about ensuring 50% of ministers in the federal cabinet are women.
For the sake of all our daughters, it's time to stop assuming that women are unqualified for top government positions and only get those posts because of supportive leadership.
The new normal should be an assumption that women could make up 50% or more of qualified candidates because there is no reason now not to assume that. Women are in leadership positions in all areas of society, with skills and experience that isn't tied to their gender but to their passions, interests and abilities.
ust look at universities today, which are pumping out a majority (60%) women, and women are achieving success in business, academia and politics.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn't help matters by making gender parity a policy plank but the good news is, it appears he had plenty of qualified candidates from which to choose.