Many in the Tri-Cities who support popular Port Coquitlam MLA Mike Farnworth will be disappointed he dropped out of the BC NDP leadership race.
Farnworth brings a lot to the table: energy, experience, a sharp wit, and dedication to both NDP values and public service. But by bowing out early, after Juan de Fuca MLA John Horgan fielded a large contingency of MLA supporters - including some prominent Tri-City NDPers - Farnworth avoids a divisive battle and gives the opposition party a better chance at getting its act together before the next election.
It's possible someone could announce their attentions to avoid giving Horgan the crown but it's not likely at this stage. Better to let the NDP provincial council declare a leader in time for a morale-boosting rally at the September party convention.
The question now is: Does Horgan have the staying power to stick it out as opposition leader?
A lot can happen between now and May 9, 2017.