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EDITORIAL: Kids and booze

WHAT WE THINK: 'Twas the week before Christmas and the bars, they were hopping hoping to catch patrons who'd finished their shopping. When all of a sudden, what should appear but B.C. liquor law changes for much cheaper beer. Old Mrs.


'Twas the week before Christmas and the bars, they were hopping

hoping to catch patrons who'd finished their shopping.

When all of a sudden, what should appear

but B.C. liquor law changes for much cheaper beer.

Old Mrs. Claus - or Premier Christy Clark -

said, "Happy hours for all, kids in pubs - what a lark!"

The chorus was merry, "Common sense!" went the cheer,

let's have another round of that much cheaper beer.

And the tots on the bar stools, their eyes all aglow,

were sipping their milk with parents in tow.

"A small whiskey chaser with my ale," Dad did sing,

while dear, gentle Mom shouted, "Singapore Sling!"

Then as soon as the clock sounded the chime,

the kids and their parents knew it was time.

They hopped in the Caravan while slipping a fiver

into the hands of their designated driver.

We heard the brood exclaim as they drove out of sight,

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"