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EDITORIAL: Doggone civility

Has the world gone dog crazy? It might surprise you to know that Canada isn't among the top 10 countries for dog ownership - in fact, Brazil is notably pro-dog, as are the U.S., China and Russia.

Has the world gone dog crazy?

It might surprise you to know that Canada isn't among the top 10 countries for dog ownership - in fact, Brazil is notably pro-dog, as are the U.S., China and Russia.

But the Tri-Cities are home to thousands of dogs and there are conflicts as a result, if you follow the The Tri-City News' letter pages.

It stands to reason that the more dogs there are, the more potential for problems but it doesn't have to be that way with a little common sense.

Leashing dogs, even in parks, is the norm - not to mention the law. No longer can people let Rover wander in creeks to crush salmon eggs or scamper across park fields to leave their feces for children to step in.

An off-leash dog can scare other dogs or people and the more dogs there are in the city, the more common sense and city bylaws need to be obeyed.

It's time for a little civility and consideration among dog owners, please.