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EDITORIAL: Big boat bucks in B.C.

BC Ferries has been singing the blues as a result of a 4% drop in summer passenger traffic. CEO David Hahn has been blaming the reduction on the strength of the Canadian dollar, the price of fuel and other economic problems.

BC Ferries has been singing the blues as a result of a 4% drop in summer passenger traffic.

CEO David Hahn has been blaming the reduction on the strength of the Canadian dollar, the price of fuel and other economic problems.

But many say high ferry fares are the reason people aren't making the trip to Vancouver Island any more. The truth is riding the ferry is more of a luxury than a necessity and the cost reflects this.

Taking the ferry is a finer experience than it used to be. The washrooms, food, decor and other amenities are nicer and, of course, fuel costs have jumped so it's more expensive to take the ferry.

In the old days, the ferry was as basic as a bus and so was the service. That's changed and we have to pay for it. Unfortunately, that means we don't book a trip to the island as often.