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EDITORIAL: A crucial vote

The topic at many a barbecue and around a few campfires this summer will certainly be the harmonized sales tax - at least it better be.

The topic at many a barbecue and around a few campfires this summer will certainly be the harmonized sales tax - at least it better be.

The controversial tax is the subject of a mail-in referendum currently underway (completed ballots are due at Elections BC by today at 4:30 p.m.).

Summer isn't the best time for a critical vote - that's why most elections are held in fall or spring - and it's likely many people will be too occupied by holidays to take part in this experimentation in populist democracy. What's more, many people will be confused by the question, which is counterintuitive (if you want to keep the HST, vote No, if you don't, vote Yes).

Regardless, this is a chance for ordinary voters to play the part of finance minister and have a say in tax policy for once. It's worth it then to take the issue seriously and get your vote in on time.