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Don't tax Legions

The Editor, Re. "Decision on PoCo Legion tax exemption may be just first" (The Tri-City News, Oct. 17). The city of Port Coquitlam's tax exemption for the Royal Canadian Legion is a step in the right direction. Now, our MPs should take the next step.

The Editor,

Re. "Decision on PoCo Legion tax exemption may be just first" (The Tri-City News, Oct. 17).

The city of Port Coquitlam's tax exemption for the Royal Canadian Legion is a step in the right direction.

Now, our MPs should take the next step. No Legion in Canada should be paying property taxes.

As for Mayor Greg Moore looking into exemptions for non-profits, save the staff time. Why would Port Coquitlam residents subsidize non-profits running provincial government programs? Seems like more downloading to me.

Arlene Crowe, Cultus Lake