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Another view of children in pubs

The Editor, Re. "A minor issue with B.C.'s new pub rules" (As I See it, The Tri-City News, Jan. 3). I, too, have the same record of not entering Chuck E Cheese. See, we have something in common.

The Editor,

Re. "A minor issue with B.C.'s new pub rules" (As I See it, The Tri-City News, Jan. 3).

I, too, have the same record of not entering Chuck E Cheese. See, we have something in common.

Having children doesn't make me want to eat horrible pizza in a room full of over-excited children. I also don't care for Denny's and other low-end "family" restaurants. See - having children doesn't kill my tastebuds. I don't want to eat those restaurant offerings and I don't want to feed it to my children.

Nice try with the idea that I'll be driving drunk with my kids. A valiant attempt to get others on board with your point of view. However, parents aren't the only ones who shouldn't drink and drive.

Even childless You shouldn't drive after spending "an hour or two drinking."

I'm sure you agree?

I wouldn't be worried about pubs losing your business, which I am assuming you might threaten to take away. Pubs in the United Kingdom are thriving, and hey, they allow children. Goodbye draconian laws, hello European style lunches.

See you at the pub - with my kids.

Marianne Pauluzzi
