The Editor,
To the bullies of Amanda Todd:
I don't know you. I have never met you, spoken with you or even set eyes upon you. Therefore I know that I have never done anything to you that warrants this unnecessary, excruciating pain you are inflicting on me and the many, many, MANY people who loved Amanda Todd.
I have known Amanda since she was just her mom's greatest wish and a twinkle in her dad's eye. I excitedly anticipated her arrival with her mom, dad and brother for the entire nine months. I saw the pride and joy she brought her parents in the early days of her birth.
Together, our families enjoyed play dates and day excursions throughout the Lower Mainland. We celebrated many important milestones and holidays together. We saw Amanda's enthusiasm for life and watched her grow.
You, bullies, have consciously chosen to condemn and torment Amanda for being human. She made a mistake. You justified your actions and hid behind the fact that she made mistakes. Well, so have you. You have relentlessly, incessantly tormented a young woman who was not a threat to you. You are far from pure and innocent. Your mistakes are heinous and irrevocable, for even if you were able to get past your egos and become human, Amanda will not come back to us.
I do not wish your families to suffer the loss of your life. Your families most likely love you in spite of your mistakes and flaws. We loved Amanda just the same.
While you will most likely remain faceless, nameless beings to me, you are not powerful. You do not win. Amanda may be gone but she will never be forgotten. In fact, she will be loved from now until eternity more powerfully than you can imagine. She will be loved more than you haters can hate.
S. Grant, Port Coquitlam