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#POMOvotes2018: Sager Jan

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Sager Jan


Age: Old enough for wisdom and young enough to run

Occupation: retired planning assistant to UN mission

Port Moody resident for: 30 years

Campaign funding: self-funded

Previous community service: I have volunteered for the Port Moody Police Crime Watch program, Noon’s Creek salmon hatchery, Golden Spike festivals and for Port Moody’s BC Reform Party election team.

If elected, what steps would you take to improve housing affordability in Port Moody?

I will support and approve available lands (Flavelle Mill site and Coronation Park, etc.) for: promoting single family housing; capping ever-increasing residential taxes; curbing house sales for non-Canadians, a priority; and sustainable highrises when needed, to a maximum of six storeys.

How would you balance Port Moody growth and livability?

The available land in Port Moody will be a mix of residential, offices and businesses according to a well-drawn sustainable development, with roads, parks, senior community centre, library and rec. centre with more sports facilities for our youth and adults alike.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing Port Moody?

Too much car traffic, not enough public transportation. Business occupation, sales and services, shortage of policing, hospital clinics and tourist information services.

How can Port Moody attract employment opportunities so residents can work in the same community where they live?


Encouraging and providing manufacturing businesses with incentive of lower taxes to provide employment to local residents; it will impact lower greenhouse gas emissions by cutting travel times. With office and retails shops made available and by lowering licence fees, that will attract more retail businesses, providing jobs for the local population.


Sager Jan
Phone: 604-469-1247
Email: [email protected]
FB: Sager Jan