Age: did not answer
Occupation: business owner
Port Moody resident for: 30 years
Campaign funding: family, self-funded.
Previous community service: First elected in 1996; the longest-serving council candidate running in the election.
If elected, what steps would you take to improve housing affordability in Port Moody?
Development of an affordable housing action plan, in conjunction with the following: below-market land leases; zoning for infill development; donating land and partnering; expediting approvals; inclusionary zoning; utilizing the affordable housing reserve; encouraging laneway housing; purpose-built rental; land banks; and reducing fee/waiving fees.
How would you balance Port Moody growth and livability?
I support moderate, sustainable growth by holding firm when development proposals are not in keeping with Port Moody's vision to create a liveable community. When approving development applications, we must ensure that the provision of parks and greenspace are in pace with development. Lastly, focus on minimizing urban sprawl by creating compact urban areas in the transit0oriented development areas.
What do you believe is the biggest issue facing Port Moody?
Climate change. Our ability to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts is going to be the key to ensuring that Port Moody remains the sustainable and livable community it is today.
How can Port Moody attract employment opportunities so residents can work in the same community where they live?
To help increase the number of employment opportunities in Port Moody, the city must continue to promote developments that generate local jobs and integrate residential areas with retail and other forms of commercial and office space. Economic development strategies also need to promote jobs that are respective of the resident labour force.
Meghan Lahti
Phone: 778-879-9437
Email: [email protected]