Shakeel Gaya
Phone: 604-375-7011
Email: [email protected]
Age: 63
Occupation: semi-retired
PoCo resident for: two years
Campaign funding: self-funded
Previous community service: I have served as a youth counsellor for youth at risk, volunteered in organizing community events and festivals, and in inter-faith meetings organized in the community. I supported the Fox Park block party held recently.
If elected, what steps would you take to improve housing affordability in PoCo?
Increase high-density living in designated areas to increase the number of housing units. This increase in supply would allow market forces to improve housing affordability.
What do you hope to accomplish as a city councillor?
Fight for SkyTrain to be extended to PoCo due to the increase in housing density. Increase green spaces for parks and recreation. Reduce taxes on small business owners in PoCo.
What do you believe is the biggest issue facing PoCo?
Lack of high-density living leading to a virtual urban sprawl, which needs to be urgently checked and replaced with highrise apartments in designated areas. This would lead to better transit and free land space for parks and recreation areas.
Would you change the mayor and council’s pay and why?
I would not change the mayor and council’s pay as I look at these positions as community service opportunity and not a means of getting rich at the cost of the community.