Ian Soutar
Phone: 604-791-5459
Email: [email protected]
Website: iansoutar.com
Facebook: iansoutar4council
Twitter: @iandsoutar
Instagram: @iansoutar4council
Age: 27
Occupation: self-employed landscaper
Coquitlam resident for: four years
Campaign funding: dedicated individuals
Previous community service: president of Tri-Cities Rotaract Club, youth/environment advocate, succeeded in convincing Coquitlam city council to install rainbow crosswalk
Name the two most important issues facing the city of Coquitlam?
Housing affordability. Environmental protections
If elected, what steps would you take to improve housing affordability in Coquitlam?
I would help speed up development processing in return for a higher return of affordable units. Applying a resident-first period to all unit sales will also help lower demand locally.
What do you hope to accomplish as a city councillor?
I plan to inspire new, young leaders to get engaged in local politics while safeguarding their environment, housing and jobs for future generations. I also hope to create an entertainment sector that would put Coquitlam on the map as fun and accessible for the entire Lower Mainland.
How can Coquitlam attract employment opportunities so residents can work in the same community where they live?
Creating strategic partnerships with desirable industry (health, tech, entertainment, film) to establish long-lasting relationships with business and help make emerging sectors flourish. Establish a grant for new, small businesses employing Coquitlam residents.