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What do you think of Port Moody's transportation plans to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Port Moody's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions includes slower speed limits across the city.
Port Moody is holding a public information session about proposed updates to its master transportation plan that would move the city towards its. climate action goals to reduce greenhouse gas emssions.

Demand-management parking at busy parks and recreation areas in Port Moody, slower speed limits, more space on busy roads allocated to transit, green spaces or active transportation, like cycling, are some of the ideas being considered to help achieve the city's goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Next Thursday, June 27, residents can find out more about the “five big moves” Port Moody could implement as part of an update to the city’s master transportation plan to bring it in line with its climate action goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent from 2007 levels.

A public information session will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Galleria at city hall (100 Newport Dr.) with information boards and staff on hand to answer questions. A brief formal presentation will occur in the Inlet Theatre at 5:30 p.m.

The city is also conducting on online survey until July 14. Paper versions of the survey can be requested the information session or at city hall during regular business hours; they must be returned by July 12.

Port Moody’s climate action plan includes goals to see 40 per cent of trips taken by residents in the city by walking, cycling or using transit by 2030 and 40 per cent of passenger vehicles and 25 per cent of commercial vehicles powered by electricity.

Other ideas to get there include the construction of more infrastructure that supports the use of transit, like pedestrian overpasses across rail and SkyTrain lines along with greater promotion of sustainable transport like incentives to purchase e-bikes, education programs to encourage transit use and the introduction of micromobility options like shared electric scooters.

The proposals grew from a public webinar conducted in April 2022, along with a survey and several workshops with community stakeholders, city staff and members of Port Moody’s transportation committee.

According to a news release, they’re intended to help Port Moody make “measurable progress towards achieving the targets of our climate action plan” while also reducing noise, increasing green space and fostering healthier lifestyles.