Port Moody book lovers will have to wait a little longer to get new reading material for the new year. The reopening of the city’s public library has been delayed until Jan. 8.
The library had been scheduled to reopen Jan. 2 after it was closed last Nov. 10 for an extensive renovation project. But according to a message posted on the library’s social media accounts, “unforseen site conditions and weather” means the work won’t be completed in time.
Lynne Russell, the director of library services, said recent cold weather delayed the laying of new flooring and carpets which requires a certain temperature range to set properly.
“Otherwise, it’s been progressing well,” Russell said, adding staff are already busy restocking shelves.
The renovations to the 13,000 square foot facility include the addition of more digital work stations with accessible power and USB plug-ins, as well as converting much of the central information desk into a digital creation station where users can digitize old analogue video tapes, photos and slides.
The library’s doors are also being widened to improve access, new wiring is being installed, as well as carpeting, paint and more shelving for children’s books along with more quiet study areas.
Despite the closure, the library’s users have still had access to its collection of more than 100,000 items. Prior to the closure they were allowed to check out up to 100 items. The due date for most of those has also been extended to Jan. 8.
Librarians have also been processing holds for pick-up at the Port Moody recreation centre and continuing their outreach work at pre-schools, schools and the food bank.
On Dec. 15, dust and air-born particles that were kicked up by the renovation work forced the closure for more than two days of Port Moody city hall, which shares the same building. About 50 city staff were moved to the neighbouring rec complex, fire hall and Kyle Centre. But Russell said there was no impact on the work at the library.
Even when the doors do open again, parts of the library will still look like a construction site, as work on the exterior of the civic complex, including the replacement of windows, continues.
Russell said the library’s staff are keen to get back to their normal routines.
“We work here because we like what we do, and that will mean we can have the public back in here,” she said.