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Port Moody seeks input from residents on future recreational needs

An update to Port Moody's parks and recreation master plan is expected to be ready in 2025
Port Moody is looking for input from residents about how they use existing recreational facilities and parks in the city, and what they'd like to see in the future.

Port Moody is sudying its future needs for recreational facilities and it wants to know how you use current programs and what you’d like to see as the city grows.

Display panels to collect the thoughts of residents have been erected in the galleria at city hall (100 Newport Dr.), the recreation complex (300 Ioco Rd.) and Kyle Centre (125 Kyle St.).

As well a community survey is live on Port Moody’s website until Oct. 14. A paper version is also available at city hall during regular business hours.

A staff report presented to council’s finance. committee last October said the study would help inform an update of the city’s parks and recreation master plan by considering changing demands on its facilities since the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as changing demographics.

“Understanding the environmental factors and state of current facilities will assist in identifying what new facilities may be needed and if changes could be made to existing facilities,” said the report.

A new parks and recreation master plan is expected to be ready sometime in 2025.