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Port Coquitlam pub hosts car cruise and holiday toy drive this weekend

The PoCo Toy Run is collecting new, unwrapped toys on Saturday, Oct. 1 as Santa and decorated cars travel through Port Coquitlam .
PoCo Toy run
The annual PoCo Toy Run takes place on Saturday, Oct. 1.

Take part in an early holiday event while supporting Tri-City charities.

That's the goal of the PoCo Toy Run that takes place Saturday (Oct. 1).

Hosted by the Cat and Fiddle Pub, the Toy Run is a car cruise during which new, unwrapped toys are collected for distribution to local charities.

The route, provided on the pub's web page, begins and ends at the pub, located at 1979 Brown St.

Here's how to participate:

  • decorate your vehicle to join the cruise on the route
  • donate unwrapped new toys and drop them off at the Cat and Fiddle Pub or Santa’s truck during the
  • donate gift cards

Cars will leave the pub parking lot around 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. to travel throughout the city.

For registration and any questions contact Shirley at 604-318-0924.