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New course in Coquitlam trains teens on how to get a job

The Youth Leadership Development course will get your 13- to 15-year-old teen ready to work.
Is your Coquitlam teen looking for their first job or to fill some volunteer hours?

Teens can build their résumés for future jobs and earn volunteer credit for high school in a new program being offered by the City of Coquitlam.

The Youth Leadership Development course that runs from Jan. 16 to March 12, 2024, is open to teens ages 13 to 15 who are looking for pre-employment and personal growth training.

Over the nine sessions, held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Pinetree Community Centre (1260 Pinetree Way), teens will learn how to write their resume, take part in mock interviews and develop personal growth skills like:

  • conflict resolution
  • journaling
  • mindfulness

As part of the program, teens will also become a city volunteer and gain volunteer credit for school; a criminal record check is required.

To sign up, go to the City of Coquitlam registration website and click Register for Programs; then, type in the course ID 140787. For more details, call 604-927-4386.