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Nearly 850 claims reported by Tri-Cities drivers during wintery weeks

Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam were among the top 20 list of loss locations, per ICBC.
Crashed vehicles right after an accident on winter road with snow.

Coquitlam drivers didn’t fare too well in the recent spell of snowy, cold weather according to ICBC.

The city was amongst the top 10 in the province for insurance claims filed between Dec. 11 and 22; it recorded 611 claims, including 123 on Dec. 21 alone. That was the seventh most of all communities in B.C.

Across the province, there were 20,599 claims reported in that same span. 

December usually averages about 26,000 crashes for the entire month, ICBC said in a news release, which is 2,000 more crashes than the monthly average in B.C.

Port Coquitlam had 228 claims, 19th most in the province.

With more snow forecasted later this week, the insurance corporation shared the following tips: 

  • Prepare your vehicle
    • Winter tires are the safest choice when driving in winter conditions, especially when it snows. Many B.C. highways require winter tires, labelled with either the mountain/snowflake symbol or the mud and snow (M+S) designation. Top up wiper fluid for clearer visibility and pack an emergency kit including a blanket, food and water. More information on preparing your vehicle for winter conditions is available online at Shift Into Winter. Once your vehicle is prepared, check for road conditions and closures along your route
  • Slow down
    • Posted speed limits are for ideal conditions only. It takes more time and distance to come to a complete stop on wet, icy or snowy roads. Adjust your speed to the conditions and always maintain a safe travelling distance between vehicles
  • Take a break
    • If you're on a longer drive, use highway rest stops to stretch, take a break and check your messages. Pull over at the nearest rest area as soon as you start to feel drowsy. Get out and walk around to get some fresh air. If that's not enough, turn off your car and take a nap
  • Plan for a safe ride home
    • If your holiday festivities are going to involve alcohol, plan ahead for a safe ride home: arrange for a designated driver, book a ride sharing service, call a taxi, use public transit, or use Operation Red Nose where available

- with files from Jess Balzer, Burnaby NOW


ICBC's list of claims made by B.C. residents between Dec. 11 and 17, 2022. By ICBC


ICBC's list of claims made by B.C. residents between Dec. 18 and 22, 2022. By ICBC