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Letter: Port Coquitlam resident urges teachers to be role models for students

"Teachers need to stay in their lane" and not parent their students, the letter writer claims.
Students raising their hands in a classroom after their teacher asks a question. | Nikada/E+/Getty Images

The Editor: 

Re: SD43 kindergarten teacher gets two-day suspension for misconduct (Aug. 15, 2024)

I find this extremely concerning. 

Children with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable persons attending schools; it is already challenging enough for those with disabilities and for teachers to make them feel even more degraded and worthless is appalling. 

Teachers are supposed to be people students of all types that can lean on, trust, and depend on.

Since I graduated from high school, I have seen an extreme decline in teachers being teachers. They now seem to think that they have the right to parent their students.

That is not part of their job description; they are not the parents of those students. They are there to provide educational lessons and learning opportunities, that is it.

If teachers have concerns, they are to bring it to their school's guidance counsellor or principal to then bring it to the attention of the parents. 

Teachers need to stay in their lane. 

- Brittani Di Lorenzo, Port Coquitlam