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Letter: New bike lane in Coquitlam is dangerous

The bike and micromobility lane in Coquitlam’s City Centre neighbourhood is an accident waiting to happen, this letter writer states.
A construction worker builds the new Guildford Greenway curb for eastbound vehicles on Guildford Way in Coquitlam. | Janis Cleugh, Tri-City News

The Editor,

I, too, am a frequent cyclist on Guildford Way.

The new Guildford bike lane is another example of “all solutions create new problems.”

I agree with other letter writers that the bike lane is too narrow for safe passing; it even goes up and through the bus stops.

Throw in the new addition of the e-bike and e-scooters and it’s an accident waiting to happen.

For vehicles, at the eastbound western end beginning of bike curb, the surprise of sudden narrowing will surely result in disaster.

Why install curbs at all?

Just widely spaced plastic uprights would provide a visual barrier while allowing space for bikes to pass and would not narrow vehicle lanes.

Do the designers ride a bike?

—Robert Walton, Coquitlam