The Editor:
Re: Letter: Dear B.C. parents — Here's why you should withdraw your child from the FSA tests (Oct. 14)
In response to [BC Teachers' Federation president (BCTF)] Teri Mooring's open letter to parents about the lack of value of the FSAs [Foundation Skills Assessments], I would suggest that instead of just stating why they are of little value, she should offer suggestions on how to improve them.
As a parent, whose two children went through the public school system, and now, as a grandparent, with two grandchildren now in public schools, I would welcome this.
Education is a valuable tool for social justice and as such, a regular review of the efficacy of our system should be a priority, not an inconvenience.
My hope is that rather than dismissing the FSA, the BCTF will get on board and help make it a more valuable tool.
- Bob Elliott, Port Coquitlam