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B.C. underwater hockey teammate must pay over $1K in beer, food and hotel costs

Coquitlam team members agreed to divide costs on group expenses but some wound up covering one member's share.
Robert Arthur Maisey alleged one of his teammates breached an agreement to share team costs, including accommodation.

B.C.’s Civil Resolution Tribunal has ordered a member of a Coquitlam underwater hockey team to pass over $1,137 in costs for beer, pizza and other food costs to a teammate.

Robert Arthur Maisey alleged Nathan St. Germain breached an agreement to share team costs in connection with purchased beer and an underwater hockey tournament. 

St. Germain said he agreed to pay some costs and did not do so; however, he says Maisey also claimed for expenses that he already paid for or that he never agreed to contribute towards.

St. Germain also says the team owes him money for a tent but he didn't file a counterclaim for that, according to tribunal member David Jiang's Oct. 18 decision.

Another team member, GP, collected money from the team to purchase “parking lot beers” for May 1 to Sept. 3, 2021.

Jiang said GP’s spreadsheet shows each team member was meant to contribute $65. An entry states that St. Germain owed $65, and other players covered the shortfall.

St. Germain agreed he didn’t pay that.

The rest of the claim arises from St. Germain’s share of expenses in connection with an October 2021 tournament in Orange County, Calif., Jiang said.

Jiang had statements from other team members on how expenses would be divided and said they were consistent. The arrangement included team members paying for team-related costs as they came due.

One member would collect receipts and calculate what each player should pay or be reimbursed. Based on that member’s calculations, some members would pay money to him and reimburse collected funds to other members that had paid the upfront team expenses.

“The members used this arrangement because they found it convenient,” Jiang said.

Another person kept a costs spreadsheet.

“According to the spreadsheet, Mr. Maisey paid upfront for some of Mr. St. Germain’s expenses, such as a hotel stay,” Jiang said. “Other players, including JP, GP, and LF, also paid upfront to cover some of Mr. St. Germain’s expenses.”

In November 2021, GP emailed St. Germain twice that his share of tournament expenses was $1,002.41.

“It is undisputed that Mr. St. Germain did not reply to the email or pay this amount,” Jiang said.

Maisey said in November 2021, he paid other team members the money St. Germain owed them. Maisey claimed reimbursement for tournament and referee fees of $183.44 and $35.28, respectively. He also claims $12.03 for a Lyft car ride.

St. Germain did not dispute the amount but claimed he wanted mediation.

“I find this does not justify delaying payment of the undisputed debts,” Jiang said.

Maisey sought $584.53 for St. Germain’s hotel stay of Oct. 15 to 18, 2021.

“Mr. Maisey’s Sept. 27, 2021 receipt and credit card statement both show he paid for Mr. St. Germain’s hotel stay at the time,” Jiang said.

St. Germain said he paid for three nights and produced a receipt for $90.89.

“There are no purchase details provided and I find it unlikely that this amount would be enough to pay for three nights’ accommodation,” Jiang said.

Then, Maisey provided a Costco receipt for $333.97, of which $151.26 was for food and $182.71 was for alcohol.

The deal was that food was to be split nine ways and the alcohol seven ways. Jiang ordered St. Germain to reimburse Maisey $42.90 for his share.

Then came the pizza season wrap party. St. Germain claimed he showed up late but Jiang added $10.35 because he “likely had pizza.”

And finally, came dinner at a restaurant called Lighthouse.

St. Germain acknowledged being there but said a teammate insisted on paying for him. Jiang ordered him to cover $135.93 of that tab.