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Band together for positive impact should be Amanda Todd's legacy - SD43

Letters went home this week to students attending schools in School District 43 providing links to resources about bullying and suicide.

Letters went home this week to students attending schools in School District 43 providing links to resources about bullying and suicide.

The letter, signed by Superintendent Tom Grant, acknowledged the death of Grade 10 CABE student Amanda Todd and extended heartfelt condolences to Amanda's family and others touched by this tragedy.

It recommended watching for changes in behaviour and signs of stress in children and opening dialogue if there's a problem.

"We ask that you talk to them about bullying, appropriate internet use and how they are feeling. If you are concerned about your child's welfare, please talk to a school staff member or seek help from other community support services," the letter stated.

The school district is following up on every reported case of bullying and will attempt to seek resolutions, the letter further added, and will continue to provide programming and support for bullying and suicide awareness.

"Staff will be watchful for signs of increased anxiety," the letter also stated.

As well, the district will be working with the broader community to increase dialogue about a collaborative approach to this issue.

Grant's letter suggested that Amanda's legacy should be a lack of tolerance for bullying and the banding together of caring people to create a positive impact on their community.

The full letter is available here.