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Glen Pine Pavilion, a city of Coquitlam recreation facility for people 50 and older, is holding a number of events and activities in the next few weeks, including: Tears of the Gods: Glen Pine will host a presentation of the documentary film Tears of

Glen Pine Pavilion, a city of Coquitlam recreation facility for people 50 and older, is holding a number of events and activities in the next few weeks, including:

Tears of the Gods: Glen Pine will host a presentation of the documentary film Tears of the Gods next Tuesday, Sept. 13 from 10 a.m. to noon. This is a special event for those who are interested in culture and travel. Participants can spend an intimate morning with Vancouver documentary filmmaker Jay Samwald, who will share his experiences from recent trips in China as well as his behind-the-camera stories of developing his latest documentary, Tears of the Gods, which is about the threatened language, culture and environment of the Naxi people of Li Jian in southwest China. For those who are interested in documentary filmmaking and want to learn about the process, you will be fascinated. Admission is free.

Classical Drawing - Antique Cast Drawing: This class is held on Wednesdays, 12:30 o 3:30 p.m. from Sept. 21 to Oct. 26. The magic is found within this age-old studio discipline of the old classical masters. Rubens especially documented within his collection of drawings incredible studies of ancient marble sculptures, like the Laocoon group and the Belvedere Torso, which stand as unmatched landmarks in the study of life, form, and gesture. Program includes studies from Louvre and Versailles collections as well as classroom casts of classical sculptures. All levels are welcome for these classes hosted by Mark Anthony Sekrijer. Course fee is $95 for members.

To register for any of these programs, call 604-927-6940.