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Frog song Friday in Coquitlam

You can enjoy and evening of song - frog song - Friday at Minnekhada Regional Park in Coquitlam. Metro Vancouver Parks is hosting an evening stroll by the marsh to learn about frogs and other amphibians.

You can enjoy and evening of song - frog song - Friday at Minnekhada Regional Park in Coquitlam.

Metro Vancouver Parks is hosting an evening stroll by the marsh to learn about frogs and other amphibians. Participants six years of age and older will experience the night sounds and smells of the marsh, and find out from a park interpreter how these mysterious creatures live a double life.

Evening Frog Song runs from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and the cost is $4.25 per person for children, youths and seniors, and $8 for adults.

Advance registration required by visiting or calling 604-432-6359 (use barcode 5597).

To find out about other Metro Vancouver programs, visit the event calendar at

Talks for parents

Having a baby is a challenging, rewarding and educating experience.

And Coquitlam's Place Maillardville community centre is aiming to help parents with Baby's First Two Years, a free drop-in program for expectant parents, new parents and grandparents of babies up to 24 months.

Participants will learn from guest speakers and enjoy support, conversation and validation in a comfortable and relaxed environment - and babies are welcome.

The program, supported by the United Way of the Lower Mainland and the Ministry for Children and Family Development, runs on nine consecutive Fridays from April 25 to June 20, 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room at Place Maillardville, 1200 Cartier Ave.

The roster of speakers includes:

April 25: Lucy De Pieri of Serenity/Homeopathic Clinic, on homeopathic medicine;

May 2: Marie Perkins, Expert Mobile Fitness, on postpartum fitness;

May 9: Dr. Gil Desaulniers of the National Wellness Foundation, on "raising super kids;"

May 16: Annie Anderson, infant sleep consultant, on sleep.

For more information, visit