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Michael Bublé's weekend date night is the cutest thing to happen this March (so far)

Social media reacted with a collective 'Aww!'

Burnaby resident and internationally celebrated crooner Michael Bublé and his wife Luisana Lopilato were able to get away from the kids this weekend and spent some time doing what everyone in Metro Vancouver does at some point: biking the Seawall.

Bublé tweeted a pair of photos this morning sharing a moment the pair had under the Lions Gate Bridge and celebrating the city's most famous park. In the pics the pair hold helmets, pose and have a quick smooch one month after Valentine's Day.

"Love being with the kids but sometimes Moms and Dads need a date night too!" he wrote, a sentiment many parents are probably feeling after the past year.

Twitter and Instagram (where Bublé also shared the photos) have of course erupted with different versions of "aww."