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'Charity, generosity and kindness': Premier John Horgan issues message for Christmas Day

“This is not forever."
And while British Columbians typically gather with friends and family to share food and exchange gifts during the holiday season, Horgan noted that Christmas Day will look very different this year due to COVID-19. Photo via FilippoBacci / Getty Images

B.C. Premier John Horgan has issued a festive statement to mark Christmas Day. 

“Tomorrow, Christians around the world will celebrate the birth of Christ. During this incredibly challenging time, Jesus’ message of peace, joy and love will bring comfort to many," Horgan said. 

And while British Columbians typically gather with friends and family to share food and exchange gifts during the holiday season, Horgan noted that Christmas Day will look very different this year due to COVID-19.

“This isn’t easy. Like you, I will miss spending time with my loved ones this holiday season. But for now, I am limiting my contacts and spending this time at home. The most important thing right now is to do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19," the Premier said.

Health Canada approved a second COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday (Dec. 23), paving the way for the shots from U.S. biotech firm Moderna to start arriving in the country. Horgan notes that the arrival of Canada's approved vaccines signifies the beginning of the end of the pandemic. 

“This is not forever. With vaccines available, there is light at the end of this long, dark tunnel," he said. "There will be a time when we can all come together again, like we did before. Until then, let us remember the values of the Christmas season – charity, generosity and kindness – and do our level best to keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.

“To all those celebrating, I wish you a safe and happy holiday.

“Merry Christmas!”